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不知道这几点,你家的空调会很伤心!(空调外贸写作素材) 空调外语

时间:2024-10-17 10:46:20 浏览:0




2. 空调循环





5. SEER评分

空调的季节性能效比表示其制冷能力与其功率输入的比值。它基本上代表着一个简单的公式:用英制热量单位产生的冷却比例除以所用电瓦数。 SEER值越大,设备散热效果越好。老式AC装置的SEER值通常较低,约为6左右。但是根据经验,如果您住在北方,请选择具有SEER值约为13的空调。对于西南或东南的房间,请选择SEER值约为14的空调。

6. 如何提高空调效率



Knowing these points, your air conditioner can be used for several years! (Air-conditioning foreign trade writing material)

Air conditioners are commonly used in our homes, but many of us don't know much about them. Let's take a look at how to make our own air conditioners more useful for several years.

1.When the temperature starts to rise, the less efficient air conditioners will not be able to cool the air inside the room. The air conditioning cycle involves the circulation of a refrigerant: a fluid turns into a gas or vapor, absorbing heat from a desired location and transferring it outdoors. As the outdoor temperature rises, the air conditioner will work harder, because the air conditioner requires the external temperature to be lower than the heat released by the device.

2. Air-conditioning cycle

The air conditioner operates in a continuous cycle of compression, condensation, expansion and evaporation. Outside the room, the air conditioner compresses the gaseous refrigerant, thereby increasing its temperature. The fan blows external air through the coils of the unit containing high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant. When the outside air has a lower temperature than the fluid, thermal energy flows from the refrigerant to the outside air. When high-temperature gaseous refrigerant releases energy, it turns into a liquid.

3.The high-temperature and high-pressure liquid passes through the expander, and when the expansion agent enters the interior of the room, the refrigerant is converted into a low-temperature and low-pressure liquid. Another fan blows the internal air through the coil, where the hotter air transfers heat to the cold coil, which converts the liquid into gas. Gaseous refrigerant enters the compressor and the cycle begins again.

4. Outside temperature

The heat and its transfer speed depend on the temperature difference between the outside air and the refrigerant. The lower the temperature of the outside air, the more cooling is performed by the heat exchanger. When the outside air temperature rises, the air conditioner will work harder to cool the room due to the increased workload of the compressor.

5. SEER Rating

The seasonal energy efficiency ratio of an air conditioner represents the ratio of its cooling capacity to its power input. It basically represents a simple formula: divide the ratio of cooling produced in English heat units by the number of watts used. The larger the SEER value, the better the heat dissipation effect of the device. The SEER value of older AC devices is usually low, about 6 or so. But as a rule of thumb, if you live in the north, choose an air conditioner with a SEER value of about 13. For southwest or southeast rooms, choose an air conditioner with a SEER value of approximately 14.

6. How to improve air conditioning efficiency

One way to improve the efficiency of air conditioning is to maintain it regularly. Just like the coils of a refrigerator, the compressor needs to work harder to lower the temperature when it is covered with dust, dirt and debris. Cover the air conditioner in winter to keep it clean. The shady environment around the air conditioner helps to reduce the temperature around the air conditioner and make it work more efficiently. You can also sign an annual maintenance contract with the contractor. The contractor will regularly clean the equipment and replace faulty parts or refrigerants as needed to ensure that the equipment works steadily in the summer.




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不知道这几点,你家的空调会很伤心!(空调外贸写作素材) 空调外语


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